Thursday, January 10, 2008

so i guess this is it

We had been warned and foretold, but nothing prepared us for the departure of Colwin, Menno and Tanja. It was a beautiful day; the 9th of January; only spoilt by the fact that the next day - a Thursday (or a Colwin Day) unfortunately, was never going to be the same for us. I just wanted to soak up each and every moment at dinner the night before and at airport that day. I was carrying Colwin, who was pretty excited about flying and meet "aupa" and "auma". Then, all of a sudden, he turned to me, held my cheeks and whispered, "will you come in the aeroplane?", in a tone resembling his frequent pleads of "i wanna watch pingoo". Haven't met a smarter and loving kid ever in my life and I don't think that's going to change. Every single day brings up his memories; jelly beans that I was searching on 9th, the ping pong ball he had chewed on and hid behind the couch, the most awesome hand-painted wrapping papers are sure not making things easy. Can't wait to see them again soon. Thanks to Skype, Colwin won't forget us, or at least I hope so....