Tuesday, August 21, 2007

i hate cars (well, not exactly)

i was just watching this ad which depicts a flashy car as a necessity rather than a luxury item.
all this marketing that surrounds us, not only for automobiles, but electronics, furniture, is creating a parallel world in our brains where leading a simple life is seen as a sign of being a loser. i don't say that don't buy a car - but one, a functional one, which is enough to take you from your 2 bedroom house to your 4 sq. mtr. cubicle. buy a tele which is pleasent enough to watch without hurting your eyes. buy furniture on which you can place your rear rather than one which is just gonna sit there itself. a functional life is what we are missing, and cars are at the front of it. numerous problems relate to the car craze - you want a 3 ltr. jeep cherokee which guzzles up a litre of petrol every 5/6 kms. you can drive this distance in 3 mins on a decent highway (legally). now fill a 1 ltr. bottle with water and try to empty it in 3 mins - this is how fast your 4-wheeler drinks petrol. i say, instead go for a "smart" car or a hybrid car which will give you 18 kms (thrice that of cherokee for the mathematically challenged). maybe if people aren't so emotionally attached to their automobiles, companies will back off, governments will actually be ruled by people and not corporations, wars avoided and thousands of life spared - now if that ain't a reason enough to live modestly, nothing is.....

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